Aktuality - ústredie
Poďakovanie španielskych turistov Tlačiť
Španielsky turista Javier Moral so svojou manželkou navštívil Slovensko. Prioritne oslovil člena sekcie značenia pána Rudolfa Šimka, ale keďže Rudolf nevie anglicky, tak poslal adresu svojmu synovi. Pán Šimko mladší podrobne španielov navigoval po trase, poslal im aj nový priebeh trasy na Vápeč, vymenil si s nimi množstvo mailov. Na základe tejto úspešnej komunikácie nám poslal pán Moral vtipné poďakovanie vo forme fotogafie (nižšie) a aj textové, ktoré uvádzame tu:

"Dear KST. I´m Javier Moral, and my wife and me have gone to Slovakia last August. We are Spanish and we love mountains and forest. We have been hiking the "Cesta hrdinov SNP" from Trenčín to Košice along 19 stages. We have no words to describe the beauty of your country, we are very impressed.

Our trip would not have been possible without the incredible work of KST and all its members.

This email is to thank all its members for the marking of the route, is the best I've seen compared to other countries, your work signaling pathways is exemplary. Thank you very much to all members responsible of this work, especially to Rudolf Simko who helped a lot throughout the preparation of our trip (it was very difficult to find information in English about the route).

I would like, if it's possible, publishing this letter in your website as a symbol of gratitude to KST, and I hope others international tourists will be encourage to know your beautiful country.

Again, thanks very much and we hope return one day.

Javier Moral"


Viac fotografií z pobytu pána Morala nájdete tu:
